
大久保 紀保
“Noriyasu Ohkubo”

東京手描友禅 Tokyo tegaki yuzen (Tokyo hand-painted yuzen dyeing)

大久保 紀保
Ohkubo Noriyasu

友禅染色作家 竹田 耕人氏のもとで修業。着物染めの全工程を習得後に独立。

平成25年 東京マイスター知事賞
平成31年 豊島区登録無形文化財保持者認定

●お問い合わせ Address and telephone
1-13-12, Takada, Toshima-ku
TEL & FAX.03-3986-7037

大久保 紀保氏

大久保 紀保氏

Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a bamboo and wave design

Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a bamboo and wave design

Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a design of dancers and cherry blossoms

Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a design of dancers and cherry blossoms

訪問着(松林 うたせ糊)
Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a pine grove pattern

訪問着(松林 うたせ糊)
Homongi (semi-formal kimono) with a pine grove pattern

Framed textile 'Sunlight shining through tree branches'

Framed textile 'Sunlight shining through tree branches'

Framed textile 'Dawn at the ocean'

Framed textile 'Dawn at the ocean'

作家から一言 Comment from the craftsman

A colour selection of design in kimono expresses the craftsman's personality. I am trying to keep fit so that I can make good kimono in the best condition.

作品の種類 Types of craft

東京手描友禅 Tokyo tegaki yuzen (Tokyo hand-painted yuzen dyeing)

Yuzen dyeing technique was invented in the Edo period. It is a technique of dyeing fabric with painted pictorial images through multiple layers of processes. Historically many dyers lived and worked along the Kanda River in Tokyo.

作品の特徴 Special features

I highly appreciate of colour and technique that are associated with traditional glue resistant. One of my specialities is soft and quiet shade, as it is well represented in kimono painted with classic patterns. I try to keep modest design and colour so that kimono do not stand out while bringing out the best in the wearer. I am also good at the kind of gradation dyeing, which cannot be delivered by dyers.